We've been asked the question many times: what does ADA stand for? Well, it actually doesn't stand for anything. We've tried to come up with some cool acronym, but after 25 years, we just leave it at ADA. In the early 1990's we were in a different industry and went by the name Advanced Distributing of Arizona. But then we started getting into Jet Ski Racing, building engines and race boats. The name just didn't fit anymore, so it was shorted to ADA and we added the Racing. Not very original, but it worked.
One acronym we've joke about is Always Doing Awesome. But that is cheesy. One of our competitors in the mid-90's would say that it stood for Always Doing Awful or Always Doing Average.
At times we've even thought about a complete name change to something that had some meaning or even sounded cool. But, after 25 years of going by ADA Racing, it probably makes more sense to just leave the name alone.
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